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The Elements of a Plan

There are five considerations to any financial plan which are described on the clipboard below, followed by a detailed description of every way that David can help you address these considerations.

There are five considerations to any financial plan, which you can learn more about by hovering your mouse over the clipboard on the right. To see a detailed description of every way that David can help you address these considerations, please continue reading below.

Financial Planning


When developing a plan with David you are forming a true partnership. Many relationships begin with the advisor acting in the capacity of the client's portfolio manager, such as in a managed program, where the planning process will keep both you and your advisor actively involved in creating your plan for the future. As that relationship develops, so too will your plan.


As market conditions and goals change, your plan goes with them. David prides himself on delivering wealth management strategies for the long term.

A strong plan is built on a comprehensive review of goals, objectives, and assets. Please see our guide for preparing for your financial planning discussion.

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1. Cashflow

A cash reserve is used to make sure that unexpected expenses don't become high-interest debt.

2. Risk Management

Emergency savings and insurance policies both offer protection against larger risks, which would be difficult to manage on your own.

3. Investments

With a strong foundation established, it's time to start talking about how to grow your wealth with a diversified portfolio of investments.

4. Tax Planning

Working with your tax professional, we can develop a strategy to make sure your portfolio is as tax-efficient as possible.

5. Estate Planning

When the time comes, you want to make sure that your assets transfer to your loved ones as quickly and inexpensively as possible.


Tracking & Refining Your Plan

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One approach David may take is the creation of a Financial Plan. This is a collaborative process, where you and David both work together to define results in more than just a snapshot in time. It's integrated into an ongoing process of defining goals, executing an investment strategy to match, and refining over time.


As important as having a plan is, so too is tracking your progress. Your custom financial plan can be made available on your online portal where you can track your progress and view “What-if” scenarios that explore topics such as early retirement or increased inflation.



Investment Products


Moors & Cabot is a full-service investment firm. Our financial products and services span the full spectrum of investment options, from financial and investment management to insurance and equity trading.


Stocks & Mutual Funds

As a member of the New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ, we trade millions of shares daily, including:
  • Listed Stocks

  • Over-the-counter

  • Equity Options

  • Mutual Funds

  • U.S. Government Securities

  • Municipal Bonds

  • Corporate Debt Obligations

  • Certificates of Deposit

College Savings Plans:​

Higher Education is expensive. Through our affiliations with premier providers, we offer a range of 529 and other plans to meet a broad set of educational needs.



Trading Services

As a unique aspect of our offering to our clients, Moors & Cabot provides access to a dedicated team of Traders. Our in-house Trading Desk Services allow for a depth to our relationships not usually found with wealth management firms. Our traders are prepared to provide support across a wide array of asset classes, from retail equity and syndicate offerings to fixed income investments and municipal bonds.

At Moors & Cabot, we view Trading Desk Services as more than just trade execution. It means having a team of seasoned trade consultants available to counsel your financial advisor about opportunities to replace maturing bonds, limiting exposure, market conditions to monitor, and having the visibility to shop trades across multiple execution platforms.

Moors & Cabot continues to make significant investments in the underlying technology and order management platforms that support our Trading Desk Services team. We do our best to ensure that our individual and institutional clients benefit from a trading team that has the tools necessary to give them access to multiple trade channels, high speed of execution, and the ability to manage the most complex trading scenarios.

Trading Desk Services publishes and shares their perspectives with the institutional clients, advisors, and the public at large. Please visit our Resources & Insights page for more information.


Research Capabilities


Moors and Cabot maintains relationships with many of the investment industry's leading sources of investment research and market insights. These firms include companies such as RBC Capital Markets, Credit Suisse and Thomson Reuters.


Additionally, David works closely with research partners at firms such as BlackRock and Goldman Sachs to receive their most up to date economic models and recommendations.


Insurance and Annuities


Moors & Cabot has a dedicated, independent Insurance & Annuities department that partners with some of the nation’s premier insurance companies. As with the rest of our wealth management capabilities, we will employ a personalized approach.


Our staff will review your specific situation to evaluate all available products to find the best one for you, and they will be available to review in-force insurance policies to ensure your insurance is sufficient and performing as you originally intended.

We encourage you to bring your existing insurance policies to your advisor. They can then account for and integrate them into the overall portfolio and financial plan. 

Moors & Cabot has partnered with leading insurance brokerage firms to give you access to a myriad of carriers and plan options to fit your specific need. We also work in an integrated fashion with these partners.

Through our partnership with Highland Capital, we have access to the best carriers in the business. Our insurance specialists will only refer you to carriers that have been rated as A+ or higher by A.M. Best (a rating agency that focuses exclusively on the insurance industry).

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Trust and Business Planning

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Our preferred trust partner, Cumberland Trust, is an independent trust company. They provide an open architecture platform as a complementary trust solution for clients who wish to retain their own investment advisors.

Cumberland Trust works as a part of your advisor's team. They collaborate with your accountant, estate planning attorney, and financial advisor.​

Additionally,  Moors & Cabot formed a partnership with Griffin Financial Group, LLC in 2017. Griffin is an investment banking firm that can provide assistance with small business valuations and purchase or sale considerations.

To learn more about our partnerships with trust planning specialists, or business valuation services, schedule an appointment today to speak with David.

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